
In recent years an increasing number of people have discovered the uses, taste, and medical and cosmetic properties of argan oil. In consequence of this great interest, articles have been published in the press and the various Internet portals describing the experiences of people who have tried argan oil, findings of researchers of argan oil, forums of different communities such as for example those of Moroccan Jewry, etc.
In this page you can find links to articles that will give you additional information and enrich you with new and different aromas of argon oil.


The tree from Morocco that is trying to conquer the Jordan Valley – article from The Marker

The Oren family decided to import the argan tree, whose fruit produces oil with many health-giving and cosmetic properties, to Moshav Netiv HaGdud in the Jordan Valley Despite the many challenges in the production process, they are still optimistic

שמן ארגן מונע סיבוכיArgan oil prevents prothrombotic complications by lowering lipid levels and platelet aggregation, enhancing oxidative status in dyslipidemic patients from the area of Rabat

Argan oil improves surrogate markers of CVD in humans.

Tocopherols and saponins derived from Argania spinosa exert an antiproliferative effect on human prostate cancer.

The health inherent in daily consumption of argan oil

Information about the argan tree from an article: Gamnon and argan, plants and healing

An article published on the European fruit and vegetables website about our produce – click here

From The Marker Café Click here

Tourism in the Jordan Valley: Click here

Binocular tours: Click here

Article in Israel today: Click here

Impressions of a group who toured the Jordan Valley: Click here


The health inherent in daily consumption of argan oil: Click here

Argan oil: article from Haaretz Click here

Argan oil from Wikipedia Click here
Argan, the tree of life – article in Hebrew – Click here

An enchanted tour of the Jordan Valley – Click here