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Edible Oil

Edible oil is the oil that we all know. Edible oil can be olive oil or soy oil, canola, sunflower, etc. In recent years a new, special, prestigious oil has entered this category and it is called argan oil. To tell the truth calling argan oil ‘a new oil’ is a bit of an insult. Argan oil is an edible oil that has existed for hundreds of years and it originates in the Atlas mountains, the home of the Berbers. Argan oil is an edible oil like those we are accustomed to. Natural argan oil has a delicate flavor, and the flavor of roasted argan oil resembles that of hazelnuts, its texture is rich and its aroma is intoxicating.

If you like and appreciate the taste of high-quality edible oil you cannot ignore the fact that today everyone thinks they can produce high-quality edible oil. Edible oil has to maintain a high quality and needs to give added value to the meal. In high-quality edible oil, it’s not quantity that counts, but quality. Argan oil is regarded as a very high quality oil because of its components and the health properties attributed to it.

In Israel, edible Moroccan argan oil is marketed by the Oren farm which provides you with high-quality natural edible argan oil with a delicate taste, and roasted nutty flavored oil. As nowadays there is great demand for high-quality edible oil today many companies dilute the high-quality oil in order to save costs. This means that the consumers receive a small percentage of your oil and in fact they don’t enjoy what they have bought. In the Oren farm every bottle contains pure high-quality argan oil only. It’s time that in Israel too, which after all is the Holy Land, people should get to know argan oil as an edible oil.

Apart from taste, one of the additional parameters according to which high-quality edible oil is measured is its components. Argan oil, for example, contains a large quantity of vitamin E which is known as a vitamin that helps the body health-wise.  In addition to vitamin E, edible argan oil is also characterized by a suitable quantity of the fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, which are related to different systems in the body that fight infections. When you buy edible oil it’s important to look at the small print where you can see what the oil is made from and what it contains.

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