Argan oil, which is extracted from the fruit of the argan tree, contains a large quantity of vitamin E as well as essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. Vitamin E was discovered in 1923; however, researchers only managed to isolate the vitamin from wheat germ oil in 1936. Vitamin E has many medical uses including:
Vitamin E dilates the blood cells that enable the blood to flow better to the heart.
Vitamin E increases male sexual potency and prevents impotency.
Vitamin E is regarded as very effective in dilating blood and therefore it prevents the formation of blood clots.
Vitamin E is good for people who suffer from problems of high cholesterol and triglycerides.
Vitamin E is involved in the formation of red blood cells and helps create energy in the heart muscles.
In addition to vitamin E, edible argan oil is also characterized by a suitable quantity of the fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. The omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids are sometimes given as a food supplement – among other reasons because with the help of a correct dosage they contribute to positive health influences. In the cosmetic field many cosmetic companies develop creams containing vitamin E, which is regarded as a vitamin that gives the skin vitality and freshness. As you have already read, the presence of vitamin E strengthens the brand and gives it medical support. When you buy your oil it’s very important to make sure you read the small print. Not every oil contains vitamin E and not every company that boasts of using vitamin E really uses it.
The Oren farm markets argan oil. Pure argan oil marketed by the Oren farm has the same nutritious health-giving properties that have been, and still are, used by the Berber natives of Morocco for hundreds of years. The oil’s natural quality and components, together with the fact that it contains vitamins that are so important to health such as vitamin E and fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, make the oil attractive, special and healthy. You are invited to taste the wonderful flavor of argan oil and the same time to enjoy its proven health advantages.